How to Stay Focused while doing Ph.D. or Research

Dr. Monica
3 min readJan 15, 2023
Photo by NegiPho on Unsplash

Postdocs and Ph. D.s are expected to be imaginative, creative thinkers who can generate fresh concepts and investigate novel approaches to solving problems. However, working long hours and being alone can be taxing on the body and mind. Try the following ideas to stay focused when studying:

1. Visualize the outcomes.

Make a plan after you have a clear understanding of your goals. A strong technique that helps keep you focused on your objectives is visualization. It entails visualizing the outcome of whatever task or project you’re working on so that, in the event that something goes wrong or doesn’t go as planned (which will happen), it won’t ruin your entire day.

2. Work in small groups and plan regular meetings

You may find it easier to keep motivated and focused when working with a partner or small group. By exchanging ideas and working on projects together, they can also help you get the most out of your work, which might make the experience more enjoyable.

3. Each project should be broken down into manageable jobs with specific due dates

Track your progress using a calendar, but don’t stress about doing it perfectly — just finish it! Once you’ve made a plan, follow it. Make careful to set new deadlines for yourself if you are…



Dr. Monica

Research aspirant in Machine learning and Data Science. Aspirant to blog about life and it’s experience